Running an online business can have a lot of moving parts to it, and content creation is one of those parts that suck a lot of your time away from you, BUT it's one of the biggest “parts” of having an online business.
There's a great shortcut for you here though and it's called private label rights! (PLR)
The main reason thousands of people purchase private label rights (PLR) content is so that they can save themselves money, time and effort.
PLR is cheaper than hiring your own writer and it’s faster than writing your own content or waiting for someone else to write and deliver the content.
Lastly, most people dislike writing!
Are you one of those people? 😉
It’s a draining and tiring task that saps your energy. With PLR content, you don’t need to expend so much effort.
Now let’s see how PLR can help you take shortcuts in your business when it comes to content creation…
1. The Content For Your Blog Shortcut
If you have a blog, it’s important to post fresh content at least once or twice a week. This infusion of new content will ensure that your loyal readers don’t think that the blog has gone stale.
There’s something new every week for them to devour. They love it.
The problem here is that you’re the one who needs to keep creating new content. Initially when the blog is new and you’re highly motivated, this will be fun.
But as time goes on, constantly publishing new content can become a drag. At times like these, you can always use PLR content as part of your blog content publishing schedule.
Take a PLR article, personalize it, add some images, opinions, etc. and voila! You have an interesting piece of content for your audience without you having to struggle to write it all out.
2. The Product Creation Shortcut
Want to sell your own book? Or a bundle of checklists? Or tangible products?
There’s no need to create your own products from scratch. Go ahead and sell PLR ebooks as your own. Use PLR content to create quick checklists that you can bundle up and sell to your niche or one of a million other things you can do with PLR content. Yes… There's probably a million things you can do with PLR content when it comes to creating your own ebooks. 😉
Even graphic designs sold as PLR for printables can be used to create products you can sell. Come across a bundle of unicorn images with PLR? Excellent! Print them on mugs and sell them on
You can save a lot of time and money (no need to outsource when you have PLR content) with product creation by selling “done for you” PLR products that you turn into your own products. Just remember to rebrand them.
3. The Rebranding Shortcut
Following up on the point above, selling PLR content as your own products can be lucrative, but it’s essential to set yourself apart from the PLR buyers who have the same content as you.
Here’s the truth… Graphics are EASILY recognizable, but written content is NOT. So, what does that mean?
It means that the best way to be different from the masses is to look different from the masses. Give your product a brand new look by getting new graphics done for it.
If you’re artistic and proficient at graphic design, you can do it yourself. If not, you can hire a designer on Fiverr or Upwork to do one for you.
Alternatively, there are sites such as CheapMinisitecom, MyMinisiteGraphiccom and so on that have packages for you to choose from. Just by changing the graphics, you’ll have a product that looks BRAND NEW in the marketplace.
4. The List Building And Email Marketing Shortcut
Use PLR reports as lead magnets to build your email list. Once you’re driving traffic to your opt in page, people will sign up for your freebie.
You can then market to them and sell them other products. If you need content for your emails, you can always use snippets of your PLR articles to create valuable content-driven emails.
Occasionally, you can build list loyalty by giving them free reports, etc. that are actually PLR products you put together quickly. Your list will love you thus making them more apt to buy from you with this little tactic. 😉
5. The Offline Marketing Shortcut
If you’re marketing in the “real world”, PLR content can be used to create flyers, pamphlets, brochures, etc. to market to your audience.
6. The Social Media Shortcut
PLR content can also be repurposed into images, videos, etc. for platforms such as Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and so on. You do not need to come up with new ideas for different platforms.
You only need to repurpose the content in a way it’s conveniently consumed by the audience on that platform.
This is great for a multitude of reasons… You can use the content to get traffic, for engagement, etc!
7. The Membership Sites Shortcut
PLR content can be used as deliverables for your membership sites. Newsletters, training videos, short reports, checklists, recipes, templates, etc. are all deliverables that can be easily created with PLR.
8. The Affiliate Promotions Shortcut
There are many ways to use PLR content in your affiliate marketing. One way is to use PLR to create bonuses for products you’re promoting as an affiliate. This will tempt your potential buyers to get off the fence and get the product just to get extra value.
This can also be the difference in someone buying from you and not your competition because you're giving your customer a better offer!
9. The Guest Blogging Shortcut
PLR articles can be rewritten completely and used as guest posts on other blogs. Not only will you get an audience, but you’ll also have backlinks pointing to your site.
Rewriting PLR is easier than doing all the research and writing from scratch, so if you want to give it a go with guest blogging find some PLR, spruce it up, and use it as a shortcut!
Now, I could go on and on here because there are so many shortcuts you can take with PLR to accelerate your business growth and also increase your profits rapidly.
Time is money and money loves speed.
PLR saves you time, gives you speed and makes you money. Do capitalize on it wisely.
If you have comments or questions on anything I've covered here be sure to leave them in the comments below!
Wishing you much success on your PLR journey!
If you'd like to learn more about PLR and/or get updates when brand new HIGH QUALITY private label rights content is available from my trusted sources make sure you're subscribed to the Today In PLR Newsletter at
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